
Adults who seek psychoanalysis have often been hampered by long-standing symptoms, such as feelings of depression and anxiety, sexual conflicts, maladaptive patterns of behavior, and physical symptoms without any demonstrable physical cause. Other forms of psychotherapy have been helpful but have not ameliorated the symptoms.
Psychoanalysis is an intimate partnership that leads a client to new freedom based on an awareness of the underlying source of his or her difficulties, not simply intellectually but emotionally, by re-experiencing them with the analyst. Typically, the patient comes 4 to 5 times per week and lies on the couch. This is the setting that permits the emergence of aspects of the personality and character not accessible with other methods of observation. After the evaluation period, if I feel a client could benefit more from an intensive psychotherapy, like psychoanalysis, rather than once weekly psychotherapy, I will explore this option with him or her.